Thursday, December 29, 2011
final thought of the year...Pray more
0Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Merry Christmas
0What I love most of all is depicted in the simplicity of Linus on stage reciting the story of Christmas in the classic moves A Charlie Brown Christmas...
Charlie Brown: “Isn't there ANYONE who knows what Christmas is all about?!?!
Linus: "Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about."
Linus: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’ ” (Luke 2:8-14)“You see, Charlie Brown—that’s what Christmas is all about.”
In 1965, Peanuts cartoonist Charles Schulz was asked to create a Christmas special for CBS. When it was time to review the script, CBS executives and producers said it was “way too religious for a secular audience.” The brass advised cutting Linus’ monologue from Luke 2 and other biblical/Christian references, but Schulz insisted that they stay in. The brass said the characters should be voiced by adult actors, but Schulz insisted on actual children. The brass wanted to add a laugh track, but Schulz insisted on a simple combination of piano music and silence behind the voices. The brass eventually acquiesced and agreed to air the special as Schulz had conceived it, but CBS braced for a flop and prepared to write off their losses. What happened? America embraced A Charlie Brown Christmas. It struck a chord in the heart and soul of the nation.
That simple message of the love of God for His children still strikes a chord in my heart and it is my prayer for you this Christmas season - that you may join with me and Linus in beholding, rejoicing and comprehending the true meaning of the season.
Hope to see you at one of our 4 services this weekend -December 24th at 6pm and 8pm and December 25th at 9a and 11a(these services are at the top of my most favored moments during Christmas - receiving communion and singing Silent Night in the glow of the lit candles that remind us that the Light of the world has come in the person of Jesus)
Pastor Rich
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Following the Star
0Thursday, December 8, 2011
Which one am I?
0Pastor Rich
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Even Greater
0I am excited to be a part of what God is doing in our midst as we pursue Him with our whole heart.
I encourage you to truly get serious about your faith. Don't let your faith be a piece of your life; but rather let it be the center of your life. Jesus doesn't want the scraps from our table. As we pursue Him - Even Greater comes.
Pastor Rich
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Hope Prevails
0Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Hope Rising
0Life is full of pain, sometimes, public, sometimes, personal and often private. How do handle the pain that life often brings to us; we will delve into that topic on Sunday. Our hope is found in the journey through such pain and the truth of God's unfailing love, grace and sustainment during such times. God is ever faithful to dispense to us the measure of encouragement that helps us overcome the intensity of our pain.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Rich
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dreams on Detour
0Wednesday, November 2, 2011
0We are beginning a new series this coming Sunday; (i love semi colons) - it's called Building Hope. This concept has been stirring in my heart for months and I'm really looking forward to what God is going to do in us over the next month.
So back to forgiveness - you thought I'd forgot. I'm not struggling with forgiving someone, but rather with how the concept works when others don't repent. Think about this - when does God forgive us? He forgives us when we repent; until that time, He has an attitude of forgiveness towards us but is waiting on us to repent. That concept has me perplexed. We are to forgive others for when they harm and hurt us up to 70*7(don't do the math - if you do your being legalistic and missing the point). But what happens when others don't repent, how can we then forgive?
I believe it works more like this....We are to have an attitude of forgiveness at all times and even forgive others even when they don't repent. However, the intended end of forgiveness is reconciliation and a broken relationship is not reconciled until the cycle of forgiveness is complete. That cycle can' t be completed until repentance occurs. So, even though we have a heart of forgiveness towards all who offend; it's not complete unless they repent. And that is why we often feel a tension or struggle with those we haven't been able to reconcile with - because even though we have an attitude of forgiveness with them - the circle isn't repaired without the repentance and ultimate reconciliation. Often, I've struggled with this because I have forgiven others who haven't repented but still sense the unreconciled relationship. Now, here is the freeing part - if that is you - you've done your part - don't carry the burden of that unreconciled relationship - yes, pray for reconciliation, but don't' feel guilty or condemned.
I think the amazing thing in all of this is God's amazing grace to forgive us and give us a spirit of forgiveness towards others and ultimateley heal broken relationships.
Pastor Rich
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Flow Time
0Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Worst Day Ever
0I don't know about you; but those days often become the springboard for a season for me. I have to work very hard and truly seek God to find a path out of depression and despondency. The beautiful thing is that God always has a path and that the perspective on the other side of the confusion is better than when we are going through those times. Not that we feel good about the experience but we have a better perspective. It is often in these times that I get confused about life.
The question for most of us, is how do I get from being confused to being focused again. Join us this Sunday as we will look at how God has created some pathways that lead us from here to there.
If you are having the worst day ever - don't give up, don't quit - God will walk with you, carry you, sustain you and guide you through every situation you face. Be encouraged, greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world(sorry - had to preach a little there)
ps - I just caved - was trying to make it till November 1st - didn't make it - what am I talking about you may ask - just listened to the first Christmas music of the season... :)
Pastor Rich
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Are you Lost?
0Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Why I Preach
0I form my lips to utter some sound
that might illuminate the grandeur of who you are
to those whom you love and have entrusted into my care
I love to preach - to present the truth of God's word to those who have ears to hear. One of the challenges of preaching is the vastness of the audience. On any given Sunday, we have those who are new to the faith and are still growing in their basic understanding concerning the foundational concepts of God's truth and Love; and then we have the life long Christ follower who could probably preach the message better than me(some have even told me so :)
I don't say this to complain; I love the challenge. But the one thing I have to keep in my mind is that I am not trying to please you - no offense - I am just trying to honor God with what He calls me to do week in and week out. Just wanted to give you a window into the struggle of a guy who tries to be faithful to God's word and give you some insight into a thought of someone who gets to stand before God's people and speak.
So I invite you to come hear the feeble words of someone who just genuinely loves God this Sunday as we begin a new series called You are Here
Talk at you soon
Pastor Rich
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Redemption for all
0Thursday, September 22, 2011
Words are powerful
0Thursday, September 15, 2011
The truth about how we feel
0But a good question for all of us to be asking ourselves is are our emotions controlling us, or are we in control of our emotions.
Come check out the message this Sunday or listen online next week at as I'll be sharing 2 lies and one truth about our emotions.
Talk at you soon.
Pastor Rich
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
How I Think
0We all struggle with how we think about things, and that struggle is often a process of seeking a God orientation about what our view should be. We deal with this every day, it's just that some days are more difficult than others.
On 9/11, most of us in the Washington DC area were confronted with some very challenging thoughts. I know my thoughts affected me that day. For some period of time I was paralyzed by my own thoughts about what was taking place and by the horror that I was viewing on my TV screen. How do we cope with our thoughts? What boundaries/guardrails can we put in place before the moment of crises, temptation, struggle that can protect us and guide us through the challenging moment.
Come join us this Sunday as we reflect and remember the heroes and the loss of 9/11; and as we begin a new sermon series - Guardrails. I'll be preaching about How I/We Think.
See you Sunday
Pastor Rich
Thursday, August 25, 2011
God builds back what storms blow down.
0Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Persistent Prayer
0Join us on Sunday as I will be preaching about persistent prayer - we begin our new series At The Movies and we will use the movie Rudy as a backdrop to the type of prayer that is enduring. Don't forget, there will be popcorn in both services.
See you Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Thursday, July 21, 2011
spirit controlled
0What if we tuned into all that the Spirit of God was saying to us? Right here, right now, what is he saying? Are we tuned in enough to notice. I am convinced after reading the bible that the Holy Spirit is nudging us, giving us feeling, an unction and we are ignoring it amidst all the noise and busyness of the day. The best self control is saying "here God have control." The bible says to us that if we live by the Spirit we will not gratify the desires of our sinful nature. (Gal 5:16) Jesus told his disciples to abide in His vine, and we would bear much fruit. (John 15:5-8)
Wouldn't that be awesome, to be sin free and bearing much fruit? I encourage you all to grow in Christ, read your bibles, pray, and watch how that changes who we think, what we do, and what we talk about. We show Christs character.
Blessings - More on this Sunday,
Pastor Jay
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Its our kindness
0Thursday, July 7, 2011
In The Flow
0Don't get me wrong - I sense God's presence in a strong way in my life and for our church; but I'm/we're not there yet. And by there - I mean in the Divine flow of His Spirit - but it's coming.
As with all things relating to God - there is a sense of grasping, but there is also the mystery. My words can't do justice to describe this concept. It's one of those - you know it when you see it(or when you experience it) kind of things and I can't wait for it to get here.
So for now - waiting on the Divine flow...
See you Sunday
Pastor Rich
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Had to Make a Sudden Change
1Let me give you a bit of insight - normally we plan/pray about our sermon series months in advance; and then spend effort and energy researching, putting together creative elements,and finally a sermon. The final sermon for each Sunday is put together the week prior - well, this week, I had to change the sermon because I felt the unction to preach about a different topic.
A primary question we must all deal with in life is - are we willing to go where God leads us? So see you Sunday for a sudden change in direction.
Pastor Rich
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Faithful to the End
0Thursday, June 16, 2011
God Knows You
0On Sunday, we are going to examine an important word that requires that we integrate our hearts values into our daily actions.
We area also celebrating Father's Day - so we are making a video to honor dads and we need some pictures - so please email your pictures of dad with the kids to
See you Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Grateful to be grateful
0You see our human nature makes us think that we are entitled. That because of "Who" we are everyone should bow down. The truth is that we need to learn to "Work Hard" like it depends on us and "Pray hard" like it depends on God. This bring us into a sense of accomplishment but also understanding that it was God. Thanks God.
James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow" So it all comes from him. Listen, you have an abundance and if it is's from God. Thank Him, and start practicing that idea of being grateful when others are showing entitlement. In the end see who gets more out of there practice and what it reaps in their life.
Be a blessing as you are blessed,
Pastor J
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tending to Your Growth
However, the concept of this series is serious stuff. What is growing in your life? One of our focuses this year is Cultivating. That means we are each responsible on a personal level for what happens in our spiritual growth.
When it comes to gardening - the concept is pretty basic - have good soil - plant something that can grow in that climate - get the proper amount of sunlight and water and keep out the weeds(and pests/insects - but that would be another sermon concept - so let's just stick with the weeds idea).
I just planted over 20 pots of tomatoes, flowers, herbs and peppers on my back deck -and so another cycle of growth begins - I'm excited to begin using the herbs in my cooking - to see the harvest begin in the next few months. But it all started with planting something and helping it grow. What is growing in your life? Seriously, what is is that you are trying to grow in your life? Yes, let's get rid of the weeds, but let's also focus on the growth.
OK - get to it...
See you this Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Main Thing is.....
0We allow our life to take on some stuff along the way. It is not inherently bad, but it keeps us from taking time to do Godly things. If good is the enemy of great, what good things could we lay aside to become great. Weeds - need to be pulled. The weed that are weights need to be pulled. Don't be satisfied with good enough. God's grace and mercy are poured out for us. He suffered and died for us. Don't just pay lip service, do one good deed and call it good.
I encourage you to consider a life pursuing everything that God has for you. Drop the little things...TV...Technology...Sports...People...that weigh us down. Invest into time, people, and places that enrich your life and spiritual journey. You could do greater things, but it starts with a heart that is fully surrendered.
I do hope to see you Sunday, and join in our celebration as we Baptize several new men, women, and children. Who knows the day could be special for you, even life changing.
We serve an awesome God...
Pastor J
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Lamb of God
0This is an especially important concept to the Jews of that day. Jesus is the perfect Lamb of God. This week is the Feast of Passover - a perpetual feast established by God for the nation of Israel that celebrates and commemorates God's deliverance of the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage and slavery. At the last plague, the Spirit of God moved over Egypt bringing both destruction to those opposed to God and freedom to the Jewish people. At every household, they would kill a lamb without blemish and then use the blood to paint over and around the doorposts of the home, and whatever home had this blood covering the angel would pass over that home.
For over 15 years my family and some friends have celebrated a modern day Passover on Good Friday. Jesus came and served as the sacrifice once and for all for anyone who would receive this act of grace and salvation. This is why Jesus is called the Lamb of God because he served as the final and complete sacrifice for the atonement for our sins so that our relationship with God can be repaired and restored.
This Sunday, we celebrate and commemorate once again God's love demonstrated in sending His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ - the Lamb of God.
See you Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Friday, April 15, 2011
God is Able
0I know my God is able
And I know His love never fails
I know my God is able
I believe in You
I trust in You with all my heart
Cause I know You have the master plan
So I'll throw my life into Your hands
For Your glory, for Your glory
I pray these lyrics encourage you as they do me. In every moment of our lives - God is able.
This Sunday we are examining the god of pride and comparing and contrasting the rich young ruler and Zacchaeus. It's interesting that two people that have similar backgrounds and economic status have different reactions to Jesus' teaching. The question we all have to ask ourselves is, how am I responding to the teaching of Jesus and God's word?
See you Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Monday, April 11, 2011
Breaking Habits
0Thursday, March 31, 2011
The God of People
0Thursday, March 24, 2011
God of a Second Chance
0On Sunday, we are going to examine the process of a restart and conclude our Life in 3D series; and yes put an end to the cheesy 3D videos(have to be at the service to see them- for those of you who have been you know what I am talking about - for everybody else - just take my word on it).
Pastor Rich
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Amazing People
0Recently on a weekend we held a Friday night prayer event, hosted a Saturday ladies breakfast, ministered at the Micah Respite house in Fredburg, held both Sunday services, held a membership class simultaneously to services, met with one of our First Impressions team, and then on Monday had a team at Head Start serving another meal to those folks.
Wow! Many moving parts all bringing God glory in the service to His Kingdom. I love it. I really love people taking initiative to get things done. This four day time is outside of our regular team that goes to the Prison, or the team that goes to the Homeless shelter. Every Tuesday we have life group meetings at the facility. Things are happening and we have an amazing group of volunteers and staff. How about that Chili dinner, how about our kids and youth staff's. See what I mean...Amazing people doing good work.
Thanks to all of you that make Horizons a going, growing church. You rock.
Pastor J
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Supernatural Generosity
0During Sync, we have looked at the special relationship we share with God and with other Christ followers. Koinonia is the biblical word that represents that unique relationship. On Sunday, we will conclude with Admonish One Another.
We normally view the concept of admonishing someone from the negative. In other words, correcting and warning or confronting. But there is also a positive aspect of admonoishing someone through encouragement and coaching. See you Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Wonder of Prayer
1This night is designed to give you an opportunity to cultivate your spiritual growth. We will have open times of prayer and worship and special workshops designed to help you grow in your understanding of prayer. We even have a special workshop designed for kids and parents to attend so that families can talk learn about prayer together.
I love this amazing link we have with our Heavenly Father. During sync we are talking about our wireless connection with God and others; and prayer is a great vehicle for us to connect to God. I still remember encountering God through prayer at the young age of 6 - my mom tells me I used to pray consistently as a young boy and remember God's presence being strong in my life from a very early age. As a pastor at Horizons, I long for all people to connect to God in the same way.
See you Sunday as we look at how God calls us to Share with One Another. Something very special is going to take place on Sunday; don't miss this awesome service.
Pastor Rich
Thursday, February 10, 2011
0During the time that we were there, I was struggling with being accepted. The school I attended had kids who had the nicer clothes and lived in town and they knew I was an outsider. It was a tough time. Where we lived there was this ragged dog that we befriended and accepted into our home - he was tattered and looked like he had been abused and was not well taken care of. Each day, we would feed this dog and try to get him back into shape. I came to love this little creature that most people would have been disgusted with. In alot of ways I identified with this dog who had been rejected by others and it was with a sad heart the one day he stopped coming around and shortly after we moved away. It is not often that I think about that dog; but as I am preparing for Sunday he entered my memory. How many of us have rejected others much like that dog had been. How many of us maybe feel like that little dog - tattered and abused by others, rejected by men.
On Sunday, we are going to examine acceptance from a Biblical perspective. We will talk about how God loves and welcomes and calls us to love and welcome the beautiful and the rejected, even ourselves.
See you Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What is this thing called Love?
0A lot has been said about love; we actually preach about it quite a bit as well. A reason for that is that love is the foundation of all that we do and of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. It is the great commandment and the greatest of the graces. The truth is we will have a life long quest to understand and pursue this grace.
Sunday, we begin a new series called Sync and we will start by examining the biblical relationships we have with each other. The bible uses the word koinonia to describe these relationships; so come and discover what these loving relationships are about.
See you Sunday.
Pastor Rich
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Lighten the Load
0I remember a pastor saying to me one time...I am so busy that I need to pray for two hours instead of one. He reported that this time out, enabled his time in to be incredibly productive. His stress lowered and his ability to stay focused on the main things proved this principle out. It proved scripture out as well... Matt 11:28,29 states: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
I am continually learning to lean on Jesus, finding rest In Him and experiencing the truth of His gentleness. It is a hard lesson to learn for someone like me that likes to be in control and feel a sense of accomplishment from my To Do list. May we all learn to take this scripture to heart. Go to Him and let His love surround you in a fresh way that today.
Pastor J
Friday, January 14, 2011
On the Ready
0Anyhow it had such potential at speed. I loved to be on the highway and punch it. In fact for a passenger it was always fun to watch that head flip back toward the headrest. I am totally serious it would go and quickly. I didn't need a lot of speed driving around neighborhoods, but I found the passion for the power on hills, to pass someone, and of course for good ol fun.
This week I will be sharing the passage in Romans that challenges, even commands us to keep our spiritual fervor. We often equate that fervor with some high energy emotional action. That can be true, but that is not all fervor is. In fact fervor and zeal, passion are necessary in our Christian journey, sometimes to overcome hills, sometimes to pass by obstacles, sometimes just for good ol fun. Christianity should be loads of fun, I hope you are having a good journey.
Maybe we need to change our thinking...because I can't live at some high emotional level, but I can be on the ready to press the gas and see that spiritual passion rise to the occasion. There are some keys to staying fueled up - so I hope to see you Sunday it could be huge.
Pastor Jay
Friday, January 7, 2011
To Do
0Romans 12:9-21 is one of the most profound piece's of Paul writings to the Roman church and it literally reads like a list of things TO DO. So join us this Sunday as we kick off a new series and maybe a new way of approaching our spiritual walk.
As we begin this Sunday, we will take a look at love and how it plays an integral part of who we are as followers of Christ. Love should be part and parcel of who we are. Be encouraged but also challenged that we are commanded and encouraged to love. Let's learn to really love the actual way God has written to us....Unconditional, sacrificial, love.
Be blessed
pastor J