Thursday, August 25, 2011

God builds back what storms blow down.

What a week. What a last couple of days as it pertains to our wild weather. Did you feel the aftershock at 1am last night. The forecast of hurricane Irene is moving west as of this moment. Wow! I can say in the past 5 plus years I have lived here that this is pretty eventful.
The potential for damage and cause for concern is genuine. However, I am reminded that as I seek God; He is in control. That doesn't mean that things don't happen they do. Yet God knows how to redeem, how to restore. I love what He does in our midst, in spite of ourselves.
I have a lot of new music in my Ipod. One of the new albums is Newsboys - Miracles. The sixth song is called "You build us back" It has really ministered to me. Because when the storms of life come, when our earth shakes, when our joy fails, He builds us back.
Be praying for God's protection over our community and pray for a great Sunday in ministry.
Pastor Jay

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