Friday, January 7, 2011

To Do

Its a New Year with lots to do already. Well as we all know this area and time of life many opportunities will be available to us. Things we can do, things we will do, things we may or may not do. However scripture tells us some things to do. What if we took the things that speak to our character and way of life from the word of God and made them a part of our To Do list.

Romans 12:9-21 is one of the most profound piece's of Paul writings to the Roman church and it literally reads like a list of things TO DO. So join us this Sunday as we kick off a new series and maybe a new way of approaching our spiritual walk.

As we begin this Sunday, we will take a look at love and how it plays an integral part of who we are as followers of Christ. Love should be part and parcel of who we are. Be encouraged but also challenged that we are commanded and encouraged to love. Let's learn to really love the actual way God has written to us....Unconditional, sacrificial, love.

Be blessed

pastor J

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