Thursday, December 29, 2011

final thought of the year...Pray more

Well this is the last blog of the year. In reflection, this year sure moved quickly. I think of all the things that we experienced and faced. We truly had some marvelous moments in our service and events. We also had some trying moments as well as we faced difficulties as well.
God was faithful through it all. His mercies endure forever. What came out of this past year was a fresh stimulus to pray. It is the most important, effective thing we will ever do. That is why I Thess 5 tells us to ..."Pray without ceasing". Our human nature likes to relax when we accomplish something or overcome something. We pray while in crisis, and usually stop until the next one shows. Whether we are on the mountaintop or in the valley...we should always be praying.
We are very excited to share some of our plans and how prayer will play a part. This weekend we will be sharing on how Prayer Prepares the Way.
I encourage you to make this resolution...Pray more. After making said resolution; keep it. As we pray...we will see that anything can happen.

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