Thursday, September 29, 2011

Redemption for all

There is something wonderful about the message of Jesus Christ. Forgiveness comes to all who ask. Not just one singular time, but when we genuinely ask, time and time again. This Sunday we will look at scripture and see that we can even guard ourselves and walk holy.

We may not think we can, we may not think we could, but it's true for God's word is powerful and life changing. We can guard our actions and glorify God in the process. This is true living. Forgiven, not perfect, but striving and conscious to be the Church that God has called us to be. The key to all of this is seeking God...the bible states it in James 4 "Draw near to me, I will draw near to you."

God is not hard to get...It's us in our mind that is filled with doubt, fear,and guilt that keeps us from overcoming. Hide His word in your heart. Draw near to Him. Abide with Christ and watch how life changes ...even for the person who has followed Christ for awhile.

Blessings and I sincerely cannot wait for Sunday...Because the message of redemption is for everyone...What we tear up, God will build back.

Pastor Jay

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