Thursday, June 30, 2011

Had to Make a Sudden Change

Have you ever been involved in something - a project, an activity, maybe driving somewhere and had to make a sudden change. It happened to me this week - I had to change the sermon for Sunday.

Let me give you a bit of insight - normally we plan/pray about our sermon series months in advance; and then spend effort and energy researching, putting together creative elements,and finally a sermon. The final sermon for each Sunday is put together the week prior - well, this week, I had to change the sermon because I felt the unction to preach about a different topic.

A primary question we must all deal with in life is - are we willing to go where God leads us? So see you Sunday for a sudden change in direction.

Pastor Rich

1 Response to Had to Make a Sudden Change

July 6, 2011 at 9:04 AM

I feel like the "Suden Change" message was for me kinda. I needed to make a change in my life. I wasn't able to do it alone, as I thought. But, God, my birth family, and my church family came to my rescue.Praise God for seeing my troubles. VS

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