Friday, April 15, 2011

God is Able

This is the song by Planetshakers that I am playing over and over again right now.

I know my God is able
And I know His love never fails
I know my God is able
I believe in You

I trust in You with all my heart
Cause I know You have the master plan
So I'll throw my life into Your hands
For Your glory, for Your glory

I pray these lyrics encourage you as they do me. In every moment of our lives - God is able.

This Sunday we are examining the god of pride and comparing and contrasting the rich young ruler and Zacchaeus. It's interesting that two people that have similar backgrounds and economic status have different reactions to Jesus' teaching. The question we all have to ask ourselves is, how am I responding to the teaching of Jesus and God's word?

See you Sunday.

Pastor Rich

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