Thursday, March 24, 2011

God of a Second Chance

I need a second chance at some things, how about you? I have heard this referred to as a redo; but the thing with life is that when we commit certain acts, the consequences are already in place. We need a second chance to get what we missed the first time and to get a fresh start moving forward, even beyond the consequences or maybe in spite of them. I do believe that God is in the business of second chances even, third, fourth,etc. He is a God of great grace; something we could all grow in personally.

On Sunday, we are going to examine the process of a restart and conclude our Life in 3D series; and yes put an end to the cheesy 3D videos(have to be at the service to see them- for those of you who have been you know what I am talking about - for everybody else - just take my word on it).

Pastor Rich

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