Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm Perplexed

Being perplexed is not something new for me. But this one has me baffled. Follow me on my diatribe. 92% of Americans say they believe in God - 78% say they are a Christian - 40% say they attend church regularly(each week). But in a national study it was determined that less than 20%, and maybe as low as 10% of people actually attend church on a Sunday.

You can see why I'm perplexed; somebody isn't telling the truth and to what extent does that lack of truth telling affect the other statistics. The other thing that perplexes me is that if 78% BELIEVE they are Christian but aren't; how challenging does that become in reaching them for Christ.

All of that leads me to our upcoming series - RESOLVE. We will be looking at the biblical process of disciple making through the lens of coaching. All of us need to be coached and should be coaching others. The process of discipleship should be both organic and systematic. This week, we will look at the heart of a coach. A great coach cares for their team and the bible teaches us to care for one another and to encourage one another. As a good coach, we should be recruiting(leading people to Christ) and training(helping them become better disciples). It's a tough but rewarding job and you are called to do it - so c'mon coach -see you this Sunday.

Pastor Rich

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