Thursday, January 12, 2012

Key to Handling Criticism

Criticism may not be criticism. Or at least we might label it constructive criticism. Coaches have to critically analyze what their "athlete" or "charge" is doing. They evaluate and guide. What does that look like to the average person? It often is met with some defense and denial. Yet, to get better scripture tells us that Iron will sharpen Iron (Prov 27:17) and that we should spur (Heb 10:24-25) each other to greater deeds.

Being on the receiving end takes some real heart work. The heart of the coached is the one that was pliable, teachable. IN a word a heart that is filled with humility. This Sunday we will talk about the truth behind hearing the correction. We are all called to coach and to be coached. The better we are at our own growth will enable us to grow others. Come grow with a heart of humility.

Pastor J

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