Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Encouragement Factor

What a difference one positive comment can make. It can change someone's day. It can change someones attitude. It can change someone's life. The power is in the tongue. If it can spew death, it can also speak life. Who has encouraged you? How do you feel about them? Why don't you start your own chain of encouragement and watch what happens.

We are called to make disciples and the major first step is to help the candidate believe in themselves to do that. Perhaps the most meaningful thing we will ever do is to help someone go further than ever before, fueled by our encouragement.

It's not always easy because we don't feel like it. Sometimes, we are discouraged and find ourselves needing the encouragement. Take a step of faith and place some effort to help someone out. It's in the bible...."Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" 1 Thess 5:11.

Be a blessing

Pastor J

1 Response to The Encouragement Factor

January 22, 2012 at 7:49 PM

My family and I have just started attending Horizons for the last 3 Sundays. I believe we've found our church family here. I was amazed at the message for these last 3 Sundays. I have been trying to coach and encourage a new friend in a very difficult time in her life. What I've taken from each of these services is allowing me to hopefully help. I always ask God for the right words to say. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Stephanie Smith

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