Monday, May 3, 2010

New Day

Wow! this past Sunday was truly awesome. For me personally but prayerfully for many others as they made a decision to start a new journey. It is a journey that is without absolute certainty except that God has a plan. God has a plan and purpose for each of us.

I think one of the biggest challenges we find facing the church (its people) is that they don't believe they can or that they could be a spiritual hero. We almost always think of those in the bible and the stories we hear about others as someone that we could not be. Yet upon further review we see that the heroes of bible are just human beings. There has been only one Jesus..the Son of God. Everbody else is on the same playing field.

Sunday I felt with all sincerity that God had called me to lay a challenge before the congregation to understand the call, and to answer it. My encouragement is not to give any excuses about culture, past, skills, education, career, or anything else. The simplicity is also the is just go...Take a step. See where and what all that God will do in life.

To everyone that felt the Holy Spirit tug on their heart to start a New Day with new perspective to take on a new Journey. Get ready ..Pray that "God use me" prayer and then start to look for opportunities for they will come. God will and wants to use you to expand His Kingdom.

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Pastor Jay

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