Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to Handle Conflict

One of the best questions we can ever ask ourselves about any situation we are facing is - Am I responding to this situation in a way that God can bless?

First, let me say how much I love Horizons Church and it's people - that mean you :)

We are so blessed as a church by so many wonderful people who serve, pray, support, encourage and give their best for God and for their fellow friends who attend Horizons.

However, for all of us there will come a time when there will be conflict - do you know that the Bible even teaches us how to respond to conflict in a way that will honor God - join us this Sunday to discover how.

Also - go to our facebook page and join in the discussion of how you have handled conflict - you can click this link - or visit the updated Horizons family page on our website and click on the message board button.

Talk at you soon.


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