Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Growth Happens

I know that life is filled with surprises and most all of us experience them. We have unexpected turns, delays, issues, and seasons that we didn't see coming. It is often in the midst of all these types of occasions that God is teaching us something. Do we hear his voice? Do we see it beyond the circumstance to embrace what God is showing us, teaching us?

Growth happens to those that understand its opportunities. Our spiritual growth is so important and yet do we even see the opportunities that present themselves or do we continue to see the stuff of life as just...LIFE. I propose a what if. What if we began to believe that God is speaking, He is reaching, He is so desiring to connect to each of us and grow us. Our growth happens as a result of planting a seed, taking a step, or making a stand. Depending on your season and whats happening around you, you may need to do something. Don't let any of the excuses stop you from all that God wants to do in you and for you. ACTION


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