Thursday, April 8, 2010


I recently received some promotional material for upcoming conferences. I read a powerful quote from Bill Hybels ..."Personally, I've never understood inactivity. Why a person would sit when he could soar, be a spectator when he could play, or atrophy when he could beyond me."

This is a call to action. This is a challenge of no longer spectating from the sidelines but participation. I truly believe that God has placed a calling on His church and that we are always to act on that call. However each season has its own importance. That is why I am very passionate about God's call to action in this season, in this time of our life.

Scripture calls for "workers in the field" and that if we don't faint we can reap a great harvest. I am privileged and excited to share in this new series "Action". Hope to see you this Sunday.

Pastor Jay

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