Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

The week began as dreary, damp and cold. Looking outside at this moment I am enticed by the warmth and brightness of the sun. I can tell you that the taste of gorgeous weather we had on the weekend of the 20th was so nice and made me want more. Then the reality of "not yet spring" hits with our cold, wind and rain the following few days.

Well the forecast is awesome for the coming days and absolutely fitting for our Easter message. He make Beautiful Things out of ugliness. Our ugly days are giving way to the beauty of spring. Here comes the Sun. To those of you that are dealing with ugly situations or difficult times.. Here comes the Son (a little cheesy play on words but no less relevant), to change your day and maybe your life. We will celebrate a Risen Savior this coming Sunday, but let's celebrate what He can do in your life for He makes 'beautiful things" out of dust and out of us.

Can't wait for the weekend..

Pastor Jay

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