Friday, March 19, 2010

All Things New

To me,one of the most impactful moments in the movie, the Passion of the Christ is when Jesus is carrying the cross and He looks at his mother and says: Behold Mother, I make all things new. This line actually comes from Revelation 21:5 "And He who sits on the throne said, Behold,I am making all things new.

We are entering that time of year when newness will spring forth all around us - the warmer days will initiate that ancient cycle of rebirth. A few weeks ago - that word was spoken to our church during the time of worship - that God was about to do a new thing in each of us. What new thing does God want to do for you and in you? Join us this Sunday as we continue the series Mythbusters - we will look at some of the ways God wants to be active in our lives.

Talk at you soon - enjoy the awesome weather.


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