Thursday, September 16, 2010

Greater Things

I'm looking to God for greater things. Greater things with my walk with God, at our church and in my personal life. I believe as the Chris Tomlin song says that God still has greater things have yet to come for all of us. We must apply the formula we learned this past Sunday - faith+courage+effort+time = fulfillment(repeat). It begins with the faith that God places in our hearts and that we lean into as God breathes new vision and new dreams into our lives.

This Sunday is going to be spectacular. I pray that you are making plans to be a part of the Tailgating Event here at Horizons church as we reach out to each other in fellowship and our community with love and a warm welcome. You never know the power of acceptance with someone until they reach a teachable moment. Just think about that for a bit.

Let's trust Him for Greater Things as we Dream Big this week.

Talk at you soon.

Pastor Rich

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