Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Passionate Pursuit

One of the things I struggle against is the volume of stuff that I end up dealing with. Relationships, crises, job, volunteering, personal stuff, etc.(like FEDEX this week – “no, I specifically remember leaving the package – me in response “but we didn’t get the package” – FEDEX guy – “no, I left it” – calls to FEDEX, concern about someone stealing it – maybe the 2lb package blew away in the wind; and then, mysteriously, it just shows up on the doorstep the next night…ughh and sigh of relief)

Underneath all this stuff is the real issue of what are we truly passionate about. Where are we placing the emphasis in our life? I can get passionate about all kinds of activities – running, Reds baseball, Redskins football(who am I kidding – football in general), a great meal, amazing music, etc. – but what is my life based upon.

The founding fathers gave us some key documents to help us understand what the intent of the creation of this great nation was all about – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. God has given us His Word as a living, powerful document that guides our lives and aides us in our understanding His intent for our lives. But, how passionate am I about this; that which should be the central focus of my life from which all else emanates? It’s an important question for each of us, and one we will deal with this Sunday as we conclude In God We Trust.

Pastor Rich

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