Wednesday, July 7, 2010

He's got the whole world...

I loved singing that song in Sunday School and later in Kid's Church. I can remember from a very early age feeling a deep connection to God. I have always believed that God cares for His children, but like most parents - He is more concerned with my character that my comfort.

The providence of God is a mystery. Our finite minds have a hard time wrapping our intellect around the infinite; and yet He gives us the grace "to understand in part" because He loves us and wants a real and personal relationship with each of us. Join us this Sunday as we continue the series In God We Trust and examine the general and special providence of God.

I also want to give a huge shout out to our creative team for a wonderful job on the set design. I appreciate each person who volunteers at Horizons to make a difference in the lives of others.

Check out our facebook page and tell us about a time when the special providence of God was evidenced in your life.

Talk at you soon.

Pastor Rich

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