Thursday, June 3, 2010


I know it's not officially summer yet, but for the Pennington family - we begin summer with Memorial Day. At our Memorial Day picnic we have a large badminton tournament and Paula and I won again! I look forward to the summer months - Memorial Day, my birthday, July 4th, beach trips, youth camp for the kids, the start of football, the baseball season heats up, and Labor Day. There is always alot going and summer is no different.

As you begin the summer season - I encourage you to remain faithful. We all need the break that comes with summer and even the vacation. Sometimes, we take a vacation from our Christian walk and that's not good. Sometimes, people drop out of church during summer, but my encouragement is for you to remain connected. Keep giving, keep serving, keep connected by watching our video on demand and connecting via facebook.

Talk at you soon

Pastor Rich

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