Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.

This quote comes from an article entitled "No peaceful warriors" by Ambrose Redmoon a paraplegic in 1991. I love it because it sums up the truth about courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, but of facing your fear, overcoming your fear.

This Sunday we continue the Unstoppable series. You will hear from Pastor Craig Groeschel of Lifechurch.TV teach on courage and the truth that the path to your greatest potential is often straight through your greatest fear.

If you are reading this, you have a fear. You have a fear in your faith walk? This Sunday is for you to learn the secrets of overcoming fear with an Unstoppable Courage.

PS: Saw Toy Story 3 twice this past weekend...Awesome, last ten minutes will wreck you.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make the Father Happy

Well its Father's Day this Sunday. We will honor our father's this Sunday in a celebration and recognition of the role of father. As a father I have to tell you something funny about this week. I went to Chloe's (my 7 yr old) award ceremony. She got two awards for citizenship and reading. She like every other kid walked into the room looking for mom and dad, beaming at the recognition of them and knowing we were present.

I grinned as every kid that stood to receive their award. They would first upon hearing their name, stand up, then turn to audience for eye contact with their parent, smile, and then proudly walk to the stage. As I grow older, I sure appreciate the joy you see in children. I love it when the kids are happy, proud, and enjoying the moment.

I can only imagine that God our Heavenly Father loves it when we make that eye contact with Him. When we flash a smile and make our Father proud. When we work and live to show that we belong to this family and we want to make our family look good. Do you live like that? Do you live to make God smile on a daily basis? I am convinced that He loves us far more than how we love our own. His Love is what makes us Unstopppable.

This week you will see and learn about that incredible love in story of an Unstoppable Comeback. Why a comeback? Because we all need one. We all fail but as we are told in Prov 24:16 "a righteous man falls seven times and rises again." He keeps going, He gets back up.

We are Unstoppable when we really believe scripture and apply it to our life. Do not miss this Sunday at Horizons Church.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Unstoppable Me!

Not that I personally am saying "I am Unstoppable." Rather that each of us could say we are unstoppable. We all could say with conviction "Unstoppable ME!"

I remember a pastor asking the audience one Sunday what is the most important thing that is said...What God says...What the devil says...or What you say? Immediately I heard people responding with "What God says!" The pastor gently corrected and said...Its what you say. Why? Because people will do what they really want. God's word what He says is right there. The measure of what God says and us doing what God says has everything to do with our belief and our action.

What God says is fact, it is truth, and it works. That doesn't mean that we are going to live by it, that is our choice. If we do believe it and live by it...apply it to our lives. Then we could be Unstoppable.

We listened to a fabulous message last week from Pastor Kev ...You're free so drop the baggage. Now if you did that...the next step is believe it and live. I can't wait this Sunday to share more on the truth that the only thing can stop you is you. The time is now...Let's be people of action and become exactly what God intended - Unstoppable.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I know it's not officially summer yet, but for the Pennington family - we begin summer with Memorial Day. At our Memorial Day picnic we have a large badminton tournament and Paula and I won again! I look forward to the summer months - Memorial Day, my birthday, July 4th, beach trips, youth camp for the kids, the start of football, the baseball season heats up, and Labor Day. There is always alot going and summer is no different.

As you begin the summer season - I encourage you to remain faithful. We all need the break that comes with summer and even the vacation. Sometimes, we take a vacation from our Christian walk and that's not good. Sometimes, people drop out of church during summer, but my encouragement is for you to remain connected. Keep giving, keep serving, keep connected by watching our video on demand and connecting via facebook.

Talk at you soon

Pastor Rich