Thursday, March 31, 2011

The God of People

Have you noticed how hard we work for relationships. Sometimes that work does not work because we aren't working right. We are working hard but not working smart, our priorities are out of whack. I often see relationships change because one party is looking at the other and hoping for them to earn their love, trust and acceptance. We serve the God of people in an effort to find acceptance, security, love, identity, and purpose. What if we started with serving God, and then allowing our other relationships to be fueled and directed by the Holy spirit. But, no we love to do it our way, the human way and put God on the back burner. We put His word, His instructions for life, His how to manual to the side. It is time for all of us to allow God to be not only our savior but also our Lord. Jer 17:5 says "Thus says the Lord, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind. And makes his flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the Lord." Turn your heart to the Lord and learn to die to our self so we can really live. Blessings and prayers as we head to the season of Celebration - Easter.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

God of a Second Chance

I need a second chance at some things, how about you? I have heard this referred to as a redo; but the thing with life is that when we commit certain acts, the consequences are already in place. We need a second chance to get what we missed the first time and to get a fresh start moving forward, even beyond the consequences or maybe in spite of them. I do believe that God is in the business of second chances even, third, fourth,etc. He is a God of great grace; something we could all grow in personally.

On Sunday, we are going to examine the process of a restart and conclude our Life in 3D series; and yes put an end to the cheesy 3D videos(have to be at the service to see them- for those of you who have been you know what I am talking about - for everybody else - just take my word on it).

Pastor Rich

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Amazing People

I want to take a moment to say that we have some amazing people in this church family. I wish to brag on my team, the staff, and its many volunteers. Why? Because they get it- Ministry. We do these tasks, prepare our strategies, take on things all for the right reasons. To bless people and empower them to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Recently on a weekend we held a Friday night prayer event, hosted a Saturday ladies breakfast, ministered at the Micah Respite house in Fredburg, held both Sunday services, held a membership class simultaneously to services, met with one of our First Impressions team, and then on Monday had a team at Head Start serving another meal to those folks.

Wow! Many moving parts all bringing God glory in the service to His Kingdom. I love it. I really love people taking initiative to get things done. This four day time is outside of our regular team that goes to the Prison, or the team that goes to the Homeless shelter. Every Tuesday we have life group meetings at the facility. Things are happening and we have an amazing group of volunteers and staff. How about that Chili dinner, how about our kids and youth staff's. See what I mean...Amazing people doing good work.

Thanks to all of you that make Horizons a going, growing church. You rock.


Pastor J