Thursday, July 21, 2011

spirit controlled


What if we tuned into all that the Spirit of God was saying to us? Right here, right now, what is he saying? Are we tuned in enough to notice. I am convinced after reading the bible that the Holy Spirit is nudging us, giving us feeling, an unction and we are ignoring it amidst all the noise and busyness of the day. The best self control is saying "here God have control." The bible says to us that if we live by the Spirit we will not gratify the desires of our sinful nature. (Gal 5:16) Jesus told his disciples to abide in His vine, and we would bear much fruit. (John 15:5-8)

Wouldn't that be awesome, to be sin free and bearing much fruit? I encourage you all to grow in Christ, read your bibles, pray, and watch how that changes who we think, what we do, and what we talk about. We show Christs character.

Blessings - More on this Sunday,

Pastor Jay

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Its our kindness

As I prepare to speak on the virtue of kindness, I am reminded of the song...Its Your Kindness. It says, "Its Your Kindness that leads us to repentance." We respond to the Kindness, mercy, love and compassion bestowed upon us by Jesus Christ.

So with this given to us, what should we be giving to our world? The truth is that one kind act could change someones life. One act that we do, could change someones day, week, or even life. When we think about doing kind acts, we usually gain opportunities. Kindness, being kind and loving in action toward others.

This is the skill that is encouraged for us to use in scripture. Look the easy way out is the main way, the hard way and the right way is to give kindness to those that don't deserve it. See you Sunday for more as we dig up the lost virtue of kindness.

Pastor Jay

Thursday, July 7, 2011

In The Flow

There are times in our life where we hit a rhythm - where things are flowing nicely. It has been that kind of week for me in my work life; but what I hunger for is for that same flow spiritually.

Don't get me wrong - I sense God's presence in a strong way in my life and for our church; but I'm/we're not there yet. And by there - I mean in the Divine flow of His Spirit - but it's coming.

As with all things relating to God - there is a sense of grasping, but there is also the mystery. My words can't do justice to describe this concept. It's one of those - you know it when you see it(or when you experience it) kind of things and I can't wait for it to get here.

So for now - waiting on the Divine flow...

See you Sunday

Pastor Rich