Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tending to Your Growth


We are in the midst of a series called Weeds(yes, we've heard the jokes).

However, the concept of this series is serious stuff. What is growing in your life? One of our focuses this year is Cultivating. That means we are each responsible on a personal level for what happens in our spiritual growth.

When it comes to gardening - the concept is pretty basic - have good soil - plant something that can grow in that climate - get the proper amount of sunlight and water and keep out the weeds(and pests/insects - but that would be another sermon concept - so let's just stick with the weeds idea).

I just planted over 20 pots of tomatoes, flowers, herbs and peppers on my back deck -and so another cycle of growth begins - I'm excited to begin using the herbs in my cooking - to see the harvest begin in the next few months. But it all started with planting something and helping it grow. What is growing in your life? Seriously, what is is that you are trying to grow in your life? Yes, let's get rid of the weeds, but let's also focus on the growth.

OK - get to it...

See you this Sunday.

Pastor Rich

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Main Thing is.....

This week I will be sharing on the topic of the Weed of Weights. What are weights?. They are anything that hinders or encumbers your walk with Christ. It is easy for all of us to examine our life and identify the bad. We have no problem saying we need to watch our language, control our temptations, and to pursue holiness. However, do we stop and ask the question of what we are doing that seems mundane, or even fun, could be toxic.

We allow our life to take on some stuff along the way. It is not inherently bad, but it keeps us from taking time to do Godly things. If good is the enemy of great, what good things could we lay aside to become great. Weeds - need to be pulled. The weed that are weights need to be pulled. Don't be satisfied with good enough. God's grace and mercy are poured out for us. He suffered and died for us. Don't just pay lip service, do one good deed and call it good.

I encourage you to consider a life pursuing everything that God has for you. Drop the little things...TV...Technology...Sports...People...that weigh us down. Invest into time, people, and places that enrich your life and spiritual journey. You could do greater things, but it starts with a heart that is fully surrendered.

I do hope to see you Sunday, and join in our celebration as we Baptize several new men, women, and children. Who knows the day could be special for you, even life changing.

We serve an awesome God...

Pastor J